JayVik Valentine
JayVik Valentine is a St.Valentine Day-spirited event centred around the relationship between two characters from League of Legends and Arcane, Jayce Talis and Viktor. This event is strictly 18+ for both creators and participants/observers.
♡ Event Rules ♡
We absolutely, under no circumstances tolerate any forms of homophobia, racism, and other disgusting things of the same caliber. You will be immediately removed, blocked, and banned from any future events, if you violate this rule.
Hopefully, we do not need to remind you about common courtesy. Be respectful to each other. Any personal argument will be penalized. Both (or more, if applicable) parties involved will be removed from the event.
Absolutely no minors. If we find out that you have lied in your application (Dan: trust me, if you actually lied, we will know), you will be immediately removed, blocked, and banned from any future events, even if they are minor-friendly.
Since the deadline is super tight, please try to notify one of the organizers in advance if you decide to opt out. We respect your time and effort, so please respect ours too.
Have fun!
♡ Basic Guidelines ♡
The event starts on the 14th of February and ends on the same day; hence, please be prepared for very tight deadlines.
We will have four (4) check ins before we go live.
Your works will be released in the evening, 5:30pm EST with 15-20 minute intervals in between.
All posts will be uploaded to our Twitter account by the mods and your handle will be tagged in them.
You are free to create whatever you want. And we mean it. NSFW works are encouraged.
Our event revolves around JayVik only and this ship has to be the center of your work.
We will generally accept only one (1) work from a writer and maximum of two (2) art pieces from an artist. If you have an idea that doesn’t necessarily fit this limitation, please contact one of the organizers. We will do our best to accommodate you.
♡ Event Organizers ♡
We are not, in any shape or form, affiliated with Riot Games or Fortiche. This is a fan-made event.